The Lonely Star
(Yes Magazine, Russia - May)

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'YES!' loves.... THE LONELY STAR When it rains, Darren Hayes goes to the street and remembers about his childhood, when he was running on the puddles. When he's depressed, he eats chocolate and goes shopping. When's he's in love and happy, Darren composes beautiful songs. And when he thinks that the time has come to conquer the world alone, he leaves Savage Garden and goes on top at all hitlists with his solo album. If you saw video on Darren's hitsingle Insatiable, you already have no doubts how cool his album is. And Darren knows about it too. He knows for sure you like him. He knows that everyone loves him. And he won't hide the fact, that if for a one day he'd became you, he'd fell in love with Darren Hayes. There's no other choise! Darren is handsome, talanted and romantic. And he himslef thinks that everything in him is ideal.

...Once Darren was arrested for exeeding allowed speed - he was driving from San Fran to L.A. and forgot about ground under the wheels of the car. In a same way, fogetting about fear and breaks Darren Hayes is on the take-off runaway on the way of success. In the nearest future - new contracts, new millions, and new fans.

By the way, Darren knew how you love Savage Garden, and really wanted to come to Russia with the band. SG broke up so not in time. But now Darren is in your disposal. Is that a hint? Not at all.