TV Parad
(Russia, December)
(Thanks Francesca for sharing this)

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Header - Darren Hayes made Moscow girls cry

"Girls adore him. Because he is blond (yeah dyed, whatever [their comment, not mine!]), his blue eyes, and his voice - so piercing and tender. And though due to unfortunate circumstances his arrival almost did not happen, fans kept saying, 'He is going to come! Darren Hayes isnot afraid of the terrorists. he will come and urge people not to give in to fear and panic.'

That is exactly what happened. in day X, the girls surrounded the Kremlin, urging people to buy tickets to Darren's concerts. They were in subway stations selling Darren's pictures, and attracted attention of cops and passerbys alike with their support very much like one given to an important political figure. Dressed to the nines, on mothers' and males' arms, the ladies swept into the concert hall, buying out tapes-cds-whatevers promoting Darren.

Inside the hall, the stage was concealed with a black curtain, and the opening act came out to warm up the audience. the floor seats (ie: people having floor seats) groaned and moaned Darren's name when a slim figure showed up on stage. lights flashed, guitars sounded, and the curtain finally lifted. the backup band, standing frozen before, banged on the drums, and lights flashed. 'Darren, look at me' and 'Darren love,wave at me,' were screamed here and there. The star did nod half-heartedly a couple of times, and pressing his hand to his heart, and looking happy with himself, he bowed, 'I love you moscow.' 'We love you too,' immediately replied the grateful moscow fans. and the more courageous of them all, tried time and again, to get closer to the stage. 2 hours later, after a final goodbye, the blond angel disappeared backstage... only to reappear seconds later. 'I want you' he whispered hotly into the microphone, and the girls, sobbing, this time, from happiness, immediately picked up the song known since the times of Savage Garden."