(Syrup, Latvia, November 16-22)
(Thanks Dace for sharing this)

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Review of concert

First time in Riga Darren Hayes

There were ~ 4 thousands people in the evening on October 30, who all were there to see the performance of Darren Hayes. Exactly at 8 o'clock came on the stage supporting band Specificus. This band consisting of 2 guys have been supporting Darren's concerts during Too Close For Comfort tour. Sometimes in their instrumental compositions we could hear something like the aboriginal rhythms. For me they reminded Safri Duo. Unlike popular Danish band, Specificus style of music is more electronic. One of 2 guys was so energetic and enthusiastic at his synthesizer as Safri Duo at their drums are. Maybe that's why I have such association. Interesting was the fact that there wasn't break after as usually, when the supporting band leaves the stage, the lights goes on and the stage gets ready for star of the evening.

When resounded last composition of Specificus Do You Believe, crowd acclaimed. Of course, as we could hear Darren's voice mixed in it! They were still playing when on the stage appeared some dark, unlighted male. The crowd went wild.....of course, it was HE! Darren opened the concert with Creeping up on You, following Dirty, when he took off his leather jacket and sunglasses. Sung the first line from Strange relationship ( do you love me) Darren paused and waited if in Riga the crowd will answer with YES! What You like will stay in our memory because we saw Darren for a very first time playing ... guitar!

When resounded old hits of Savage Garden (...) the crowd cheered and sang along, and of course Darren's many times said Thank You on fluent Latvian language was very appreciated! After first tile Darren went to the backstage to change gear. Now he wore black sleeveless shirt and gray skullcap.

The concert finished with song Spin, bowing to crowd and the promise to visit us again, "Bye! Till next time!"