Darren Hayes
(Sunday Express S Magazine, June 30)


sundayexpress.jpg (5811 bytes)    Darren, 30, is the former lead singer of chart-toppers Savage Garden. Now enjoying solo success, he lives in San Francisco

Did you sleep well last night?

I'm on tour in Mexico and I never have trouble sleeping when I work as I'm always exhausted. I went to bed at 2am and was up at 8am. I'd have liked a few more hours!

Who were you with at midnight?


Chatting with my manager and best friend, Leonie, and Troy, who does my hair and is also a good friend. I wasn't drinking because I have to watch my weight when I'm on tour.

Who was the 1st person you spoke to this morning?

My assistant Susie. She has to ring me every day to drag me out of bed, as I never want to get up.

What was the best meal you had today?

A salad with grilled chicken and egg. It was part of my tour diet. I'd much rather eat Mexican food.

What was the most expensive thing you bought today?

I didn't get time to spend any money. The most expensive think I did was call my mum in Australia, which cost about $60 (£40).

What made you laugh today?

Troy taking the mickey out of me when I pulled a smug expression for a photographer. He called my look, "The return of Darren's ego".

What annoyed you most today?

Stress. I had 2 TV performances, interviews all day, and an in-store appearance followed by a concert.

What made you proud today?

Lasting the day without collapsing!

What song can you not get out of your head today?

"Underneath your clothes" by Shakira. A truly beautiful love song.

What appointments did you make today?

I'm spoiled as I have a manager to sort all that stuff out for me.

Did you meet anyone new today?

About 1,000 Mexican kids while I was signing records.

How long did you spend getting ready this morning?

After being woken up, I worked out for an hour, did 40 minutes of yoga, had breakfast, then got myself ready. That's my daily routine.

What time will you be in bed tonight?

I hope by midnight.

Was it a bad hair day or a good hair day?

A really good hair day, and there aren't too many of those where I am concerned. My hair is naturally wavy and curly and it can look like an afro, but today it's looking good.