Hayes Is Just An Aussie Boy
(New Woman Magazine, Australia, June)

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He's a huge POP succsess, but Darren Hayes still likes to come home, and, erm, NOT call Kylie....

1 He fast forwards his own songs.
"When I was making the album SPIN, i had 85 songs and did a demo version of everything and burnt them onto a cd and listened in my car. The ones I skipped over I didnt put on the album"

2 He lives in San Francisco but has kept his Aussie accent.
"I'm so glad you said that because I've been here for 4 years now, someone recently said I had an american accent. I rang my mum and I was like "I don't have an American accent do i?? She said "NO"

3 The most famous persons number inhis mobile is Kylie.
"She's such a sweetheart, but I've only spoken to her a couple of times. We exchanged numbers but we've never actually called"

4 He likes the fact that he writes soppy songs.
"Sometimes I need a reality check but lately I've realised I am a bit of a romantic loony and that's ok. I guess I say thjings most people can't say-thats the job of most entertainers. Since sept 11th, I realised that, you know, we're not brain surgeons but we're entertainers and its a pretty cool job cause we get to unite people"