(The Header)Just a few people know Darren Hayes.
That will say as a solosinger, Because as one part of the duo Savage Garden, he sold in
the past few years more than twenty milion cd's. But for Darren that time is over.That's
why he's started all over again! Alone!! That's why its time for a interview with this
sexy Australische single...
If you never have been to a Savage Garden
popconcert,its hard to understand how big the popularity is of the Australien born Darren
Hayes; Girls who almost faint when they see his face and look, yelling woman that are
yearn for his body.
They desire it! Also on his internet site, fans let him know thay they see him free and
easy as a sexgod.
"Darren" says that he don't is indigant about it.And he say's that he won't let
it distract him.
Darren: 'I have a normal life,just like everyone.We both sit here as whell talking
together as normal people! (Darren laughs)
Dou see the diffrence? He say's.
I'am not!
But is their a diffrence,Darren? Darren can barely walk on the streets.He sold worldwide
twenty milion cd's.
That is not an exemple off a nomal life,Darren!?
Darren: You know!! I'am very aware of the fact that I have an ego.I know what I want in
life.What I can be in life.And what I hope and expect out of myself. That's a typical
Australian thing.That's why i don't behave myself like a star with pretention.Only when I
go on stage,that's the time when I am the star.That's what the fans exspect out of me and
they are right.That's their time,that am giving them.To tell the Truth; My live is absurt
with all those attention.
And what those yelling fans concern; That are things you don't can handle with.
How you handle that?
Darren: You better let it happen and don't try it to clarify. I absolutely don't find
myself attractive or a model.
I think that it have to make with the fact that I can emotionaly know to express
myself.That I can show my emotional side of me on stage. I am nothing different than a
salesman of dreams and that's why I am a fantasy of many women.There is no histeracle
concerts like from N' Sync or the Backstreet Boys. Fans sure do not jerk the clothes from
my body.
( I do it right away if I ever see him.HIHIhi.Joke from Cherry)
Darren: But have a normal conversation with me. It's not a matter to me that I have a nice
bottom in a Levi's 501..
Despite the female attention,the singer doesn't absorbed his self in a relationship.
'It's difficult to build a social life when you role very young into the showbizz.
Of course, I have friends! Darren say's,but if you are eight months from home doing "promoting"
or performances.Then its difficult to hold on your social life network. Fortunately my
best friend wanted to be my manager. That made it possible to talk with someone who I
trust when I am on the way. Maybe is my deviation life in combination with my possision as
a famous person just the ravine where I can not across it. It's just gets difficult more
and more to trust people, because when I meet someone, I don't know if they see me as me
or as "Darren Hayes",the star. Ah,What the hell!! It will all be coming in time, because I want
deeply to have children. I must pass on what I have learned in my life'.
(Header 2)
' Life don't turns if you have that nice bottom in a Levi's 501'..
In May Darren will be thirty.
For woman a fine age,for man not that much.
'It doesnt matter to me,Darren laugh's. I have always had a strange feeling about my
age.It feels to me like an older man in a very young body.Besides age don't touch me! Last
year I was in the Hospital where a little boy from eight years old was dying of cancer.
From that moment on,you see that your age is relative. And you realise that you are lucky
to come older everyday. After ten or twenty years are those yelling girls who came to my
shows also forty. Darren laughs. Looks nice to me,because then they don't come to my shows
for me but also specialy for my songs. All puzzle peaces fitting together better,when you
grow older;'Oh oh the jokemaker comes out of the corner!!
Darren: I will be worry when i am eighty years old,because!!? How many woman wants to
sleep with an eighty year old man?Haha!
I don't even want to think about my parents having sex together.
A child never wants to think about that...
At the same time with the new stap of his carreer he also changed his looks.
Darren: In fact this is not a new look!
(Darren said it with a genuine Australisch accent.)
I just stop dyeing my hair.
I wanted to go back again to who I truly am. Till my eighteenth birthday I have had a
normal life,just like anyone else.
With the rise of Savage Garden that became all different. Now I have the feeling that I
have in all those years being preform an act.
For years I carried a mask. Dye and the paint of my hair whas just a mistake. 'Who i
really am?In five words?
(Darren thinks about it)
Darren:Emotional,loyal,passional,sensetive and complicated. 'Specialy that last is
interesting. That comes about my moot,he say's honest.'If people don't know me that
well,they cannot get into height of me.I can be confronted to say what I think. That can
be negative of course. But if I really want something I can walk over dead body's to get
what I want.Sometimes my actions can be the oppisite from what I really feel: Than I want
really to hold someone or that somebody holds me close,but for the crazy reason Ii'll try
to push them far away from me.That is very irritating.
The new cd from Darren is called "Spin" and it is whole new other sound then the
sound had with Savage Garden.
But the single Insatiable that was made for this cd,doesnt cover the load from Spin.
Darren: I honestly will say,that the song is not my favorite one from the album Spin. But
it is a easy gate from Savage Garden to go into solowork. I hope if course. I still
haven't made a radical backturn. On the other hand this cd is a huge
responsibility,because i have to do it alone. The exspectations are high. Of course the
record company wants to sell a lot of cd's,but for me the most important thing is?
That I am Happy with my music. Those that I am going to sing on stage.What is on the album
"Spin",that is the only thing i can do.
More was not in it.
It may call a miracle that Darren have made it to the end of the results from Spin.
Because by his strong intuision he escape from the terroristische attack of 11 September.
Darren: 'That's True',he say's seriously. 'I had a ticket for the plain that crashed near
The day before the attacks I went shopping in New York. Nice! Walking and buy some
All of a sudden I get the strange feeling that I must go to my home, back to San
I changed my ticket and left the same night to fly to home.
I have had an Angel on my shoulder.
I dreamt about the crash when i was flying the way home.
At that same time it exactly did happen.
I am just a lucky bird.